David Willis
dhwillis@theabsolutelongestwebdomainnameinthewholegoddamnfuckinguniverse.comSend Email
Dave has more than 25 years of experience as a management consultant and general manager, the majority of which have been spent advising the C-suite and boards at leading healthcare organizations across the globe. Passionate about helping leaders implement transformative change, Dave brings intellectual rigor and deep industry insight to every engagement to help his clients solve complex problems and envision and plan for a better future. Dave’s work is predicated on the belief that for any strategy to be successful, it must galvanize the hearts and minds of all those involved. As such, Dave works with all levels of an organization to help stakeholders understand the why, what, and how behind every change.
Dave is recognized as a leading expert in healthcare strategy, including governance, vertical and horizontal integration, systemness, physician alignment, consumerism, and value-based care transformation. Notable examples of Dave’s work include advising a 20-hospital health system in the Midwest on a revised affiliation model for its oncology service line; working with a leading academic health system in the Southeast on a comprehensive redesign of its primary care strategy, leading to a 7% gain in ambulatory market share; and partnering with the C-suite of an eight-hospital system in the South to develop and launch a comprehensive strategy focused on consumerism, safety, and quality.
Yale School of Management
Master of Business Administration in Competitive Strategy and Operations Research
Carnegie Mellon University
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
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